挪威設計師Kristine Bjaadal所研發的創意桌巾「Underfull tablecloth」
至少MSBT自己就很想揮灑一下試試看 :p
Underfull – the tablecloth that turns spilling into poetry. (Prototype 2009)
This creates stories and can contribute in giving the tablecloth sentimental value – important in a society where we seem to have an increasingly superficial relation to the objects we surround ourselves with.
The concept allows a great collection of patterns. Different patterns will tell different stories. In the prototype, butterflies spead out over the woven floral pattern – creating a layered image. The butterfly pattern resembles the tablecloth itself; butterflies always come as a surprise, they are soundless and suddenly come into view, as if out of out of thin air. They go through a tremendous metamorphosis; starting out as rather dull caterpillars, changing into beautiful, colourful, playful butterflies. A butterfly seems to be free and happy, but at the same time fragile and transient – just like the pattern of the tablecloth.
中文資料來源:讓失誤成為一幅美麗的畫面 Underfull tablecloth